M&B: Bannerlord 1.2.12
The horns sound, the ravens gather.
This is the complete list of members for Helpers.SettlementHelper, including all inherited members.
FindNearestCastle(Func< Settlement, bool > condition=null, IMapPoint toMapPoint=null) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
FindNearestFortification(Func< Settlement, bool > condition=null, IMapPoint toMapPoint=null) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
FindNearestHideout(Func< Settlement, bool > condition=null, IMapPoint toMapPoint=null) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
FindNearestSettlement(Func< Settlement, bool > condition, IMapPoint toMapPoint=null) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
FindNearestTown(Func< Settlement, bool > condition=null, IMapPoint toMapPoint=null) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
FindNearestVillage(Func< Settlement, bool > condition=null, IMapPoint toMapPoint=null) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
FindNextSettlementAroundMapPoint(IMapPoint mapPoint, float maxDistance, int lastIndex) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
FindRandomHideout(Func< Settlement, bool > condition=null) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
FindRandomSettlement(Func< Settlement, bool > condition=null) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
GetAllHeroesOfSettlement(Settlement settlement, bool includePrisoners) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
GetBestSettlementToSpawnAround(Hero hero) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
GetRandomStuff(bool isFemale) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
GetRandomTown(Clan fromFaction=null) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
IsGarrisonStarving(Settlement settlement) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
IsThereAnyVolunteerCanBeRecruitedForGarrison(Settlement settlement) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
NumberOfVolunteersCanBeRecruitedForGarrison(Settlement settlement) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
SpawnNotablesIfNeeded(Settlement settlement) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |
TakeEnemyVillagersOutsideSettlements(Settlement settlementWhichChangedFaction) | Helpers.SettlementHelper | static |