M&B: Bannerlord 1.2.9
The horns sound, the ravens gather.
This is the complete list of members for TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath, including all inherited members.
ApproximatelyEquals(float first, float second, float epsilon=MBMath.Epsilon) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
ApproximatelyEqualsTo(this float f, float comparedValue, float epsilon=MBMath.Epsilon) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
BilinearLerp(float topLeft, float topRight, float botLeft, float botRight, float x, float y) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
CheckLineToLineSegmentIntersection(Vec2 lineOrigin, Vec2 lineDirection, Vec2 segmentA, Vec2 segmentB, out float t, out Vec2 intersect) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
ClampAngle(float angle, float restrictionCenter, float restrictionRange) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
ClampFloat(float value, float minValue, float maxValue) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
ClampIndex(int value, int minValue, int maxValue) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
ClampInt(int value, int minValue, int maxValue) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
ClampUnit(ref float value) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
ColorFromRGBA(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
DegreesToRadians | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
DistributeShares< T >(int totalAward, IEnumerable< T > stakeHolders, Func< T, int > shareFunction) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
E | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
Epsilon | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
GammaCorrectRGB(float gamma, Vec3 rgb) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
GetClosestPointInLineSegmentToPoint(Vec3 point, Vec3 lineSegmentBegin, Vec3 lineSegmentEnd) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
GetClosestPointInLineSegmentToPoint(Vec2 point, Vec2 lineSegmentBegin, Vec2 lineSegmentEnd) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
GetClosestPointOnLineSegment(Vec2 point, Vec2 segmentA, Vec2 segmentB, out Vec2 closest) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
GetNumberOfBitsToRepresentNumber(uint value) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
GetNumberOfBitsToRepresentNumber(ulong value) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
GetRayPlaneIntersectionPoint(in Vec3 planeNormal, in Vec3 planeCenter, in Vec3 rayOrigin, in Vec3 rayDirection, out float t) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
GetSmallestDifferenceBetweenTwoAngles(float fromAngle, float toAngle) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
HalfPI | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
HSBtoRGB(float hue, float saturation, float brightness, float outputAlpha) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
IndexOfMax< T >(MBReadOnlyList< T > array, Func< T, int > func) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
IntersectRayWithBoundaryList(Vec2 rayOrigin, Vec2 rayDir, List< Vec2 > boundaries, out Vec2 intersectionPoint) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
InverseLerp(float valueFrom, float valueTo, float value) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
IsBetween(float numberToCheck, float bottom, float top) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
IsBetween(int value, int minValue, int maxValue) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
IsBetweenInclusive(float numberToCheck, float bottom, float top) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
IsValidValue(float f) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
Lerp(float valueFrom, float valueTo, float amount, float minimumDifference=Epsilon) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
Lerp(Vec3 vecFrom, Vec3 vecTo, float amount, float minimumDifference) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
Lerp(Vec2 vecFrom, Vec2 vecTo, float amount, float minimumDifference) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
Lerp(ref Mat3 matFrom, ref Mat3 matTo, float amount, float minimumDifference) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
LerpRadians(float valueFrom, float valueTo, float amount, float minChange, float maxChange) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
LinearExtrapolation(float valueFrom, float valueTo, float amount) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
Map(float input, float inputMinimum, float inputMaximum, float outputMinimum, float outputMaximum) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
MaxElement< T >(IEnumerable< T > collection, Func< T, float > func) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
MaxElements2< T >(IEnumerable< T > collection, Func< T, float > func) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
MaxElements3< T >(IEnumerable< T > collection, Func< T, float > func) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
MaxElements4< T >(IEnumerable< T > collection, Func< T, float > func) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
MaxElements5< T >(IEnumerable< T > collection, Func< T, float > func) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
PI | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
RadiansToDegrees | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
RGBtoHSB(Color rgb) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
SmoothStep(float edge0, float edge1, float value) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
SplitLerp(float value1, float value2, float value3, float cutOff, float amount, float minimumDifference) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
ToDegrees(this float f) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
ToOrdinal(int number) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
TopologySort< T >(IEnumerable< T > source, Func< T, IEnumerable< T > > getDependencies) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
ToRadians(this float f) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
TwoPI | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |
WrapAngle(float angle) | TaleWorlds.Library.MBMath | static |