M&B: Bannerlord 1.1.0
The horns sound, the ravens gather.
No Matches
TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings Struct Reference

Public Types

enum  ReinforcementSpawnMethod {
  Balanced ,
  Wave ,
enum  ReinforcementTimingMethod {
  GlobalTimer ,
enum  InitialSpawnMethod {
  BattleSizeAllocating ,

Public Member Functions

 MissionSpawnSettings (InitialSpawnMethod initialTroopsSpawnMethod, ReinforcementTimingMethod reinforcementTimingMethod, ReinforcementSpawnMethod reinforcementTroopsSpawnMethod, float globalReinforcementInterval=0f, float reinforcementBatchPercentage=0f, float desiredReinforcementPercentage=0f, float reinforcementWavePercentage=0f, int maximumReinforcementWaveCount=0, float defenderReinforcementBatchPercentage=0f, float attackerReinforcementBatchPercentage=0f, float defenderAdvantageFactor=DefaultDefenderAdvantageFactor, float maximumBattleSizeRatio=DefaultMaximumBattleSizeRatio)

Static Public Member Functions

static MissionSpawnSettings CreateDefaultSpawnSettings ()
 Returns default balanced configuration for single player battles.

Static Public Attributes

const float MinimumReinforcementInterval = 1f
const float MinimumDefenderAdvantageFactor = 0.1f
const float MaximumDefenderAdvantageFactor = 10f
const float MinimumBattleSizeRatioLimit = 0.50f
const float MaximumBattleSizeRatioLimit = 0.99f
const float DefaultMaximumBattleSizeRatio = 0.75f
const float DefaultDefenderAdvantageFactor = 1f


float GlobalReinforcementInterval [get, set]
 Reinforcement iterval specifying time between consecutive reinforcement cycles (in seconds). This specifies a global interval for both attacker and defender sides.
float DefenderAdvantageFactor [get, set]
 Controls how advantageous the defender side is for sharing mission maximum battle size Default value is one. Which makes sure defenders and attackers share battle size proportionally with respect to their troop count. Values above one favor defenders and below one favor attackers Example: Defenders have 100 troops and Attackers have 300. In this case %25 of the battle size is allocated to defenders. If advantage factor is set to two, This would cause %50 of the battle size to be allocated to defender and the other %50 to attackers. Troops that do not fill into battle size become reinforcements for both sides. If all troops can fit into mission battle size advantage factor will not have an effect.
float MaximumBattleSideRatio [get, set]
 Maximum ratio of a battle side when battle begins.
InitialSpawnMethod InitialTroopsSpawnMethod [get]
ReinforcementTimingMethod ReinforcementTroopsTimingMethod [get]
ReinforcementSpawnMethod ReinforcementTroopsSpawnMethod [get]
float ReinforcementBatchPercentage [get, set]
 Specifies reinforcement batch percentage (for both defenders and attackers) If number of reinforcement troops reserved for next reinforcement cycle is below this number times battle size spawn will not occur. Only valid in balanced spawn method. Must be between (0,1].
float DesiredReinforcementPercentage [get, set]
 Specifies desired reinforcement percentage (for both defenders and attackers) The number of reinforcements desired by any side within a cycle cannot exceed this number times their the sides initial reinforcement count. Only used in balanced spawn method Must be Between (0,1].
float ReinforcementWavePercentage [get, set]
 Specifies reinforcement threshold percentage (for both defenders and attackers) If number of active troops for a battle size drops below this number times their initial spawn number, reinforcement spawn will occur. Only valid in wave spawn method. Must be between (0,1].
int MaximumReinforcementWaveCount [get, set]
 Specifies maximum amount of reinforcement waves that will be spawned during the mission. If passed zero, there wont be any limit. all reinforcemens will be spawned abiding reinforcement wave percentage.
float DefenderReinforcementBatchPercentage [get, set]
 Specifies reinforcement batch percentage for defenders for fixed spawn method. This number times battle size will be the amount of defender reinforcements to be spawned per reinforcement cycle Only used in fixed spawn method Must be between [0,1].
float AttackerReinforcementBatchPercentage [get, set]
 Specifies reinforcement batch percentage for attackers This number times battle size will be the amount of attacker reinforcements to be spawned per reinforcement cycle Only used in fixed spawn method Must be Between [0,1].

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ReinforcementSpawnMethod

◆ ReinforcementTimingMethod

◆ InitialSpawnMethod


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MissionSpawnSettings()

TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.MissionSpawnSettings ( InitialSpawnMethod  initialTroopsSpawnMethod,
ReinforcementTimingMethod  reinforcementTimingMethod,
ReinforcementSpawnMethod  reinforcementTroopsSpawnMethod,
float  globalReinforcementInterval = 0f,
float  reinforcementBatchPercentage = 0f,
float  desiredReinforcementPercentage = 0f,
float  reinforcementWavePercentage = 0f,
int  maximumReinforcementWaveCount = 0,
float  defenderReinforcementBatchPercentage = 0f,
float  attackerReinforcementBatchPercentage = 0f,
float  defenderAdvantageFactor = DefaultDefenderAdvantageFactor,
float  maximumBattleSizeRatio = DefaultMaximumBattleSizeRatio 

Member Function Documentation

◆ CreateDefaultSpawnSettings()

static MissionSpawnSettings TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.CreateDefaultSpawnSettings ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ MinimumReinforcementInterval

const float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.MinimumReinforcementInterval = 1f

◆ MinimumDefenderAdvantageFactor

const float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.MinimumDefenderAdvantageFactor = 0.1f

◆ MaximumDefenderAdvantageFactor

const float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.MaximumDefenderAdvantageFactor = 10f

◆ MinimumBattleSizeRatioLimit

const float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.MinimumBattleSizeRatioLimit = 0.50f

◆ MaximumBattleSizeRatioLimit

const float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.MaximumBattleSizeRatioLimit = 0.99f

◆ DefaultMaximumBattleSizeRatio

const float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.DefaultMaximumBattleSizeRatio = 0.75f

◆ DefaultDefenderAdvantageFactor

const float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.DefaultDefenderAdvantageFactor = 1f

Property Documentation

◆ GlobalReinforcementInterval

float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.GlobalReinforcementInterval

◆ DefenderAdvantageFactor

float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.DefenderAdvantageFactor

REMARK_ATES: If advantage factor is below 1, this makes attackers more advantageous

◆ MaximumBattleSideRatio

float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.MaximumBattleSideRatio

◆ InitialTroopsSpawnMethod

InitialSpawnMethod TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.InitialTroopsSpawnMethod

◆ ReinforcementTroopsTimingMethod

ReinforcementTimingMethod TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.ReinforcementTroopsTimingMethod

◆ ReinforcementTroopsSpawnMethod

ReinforcementSpawnMethod TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.ReinforcementTroopsSpawnMethod

◆ ReinforcementBatchPercentage

float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.ReinforcementBatchPercentage

◆ DesiredReinforcementPercentage

float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.DesiredReinforcementPercentage

◆ ReinforcementWavePercentage

float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.ReinforcementWavePercentage

◆ MaximumReinforcementWaveCount

int TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.MaximumReinforcementWaveCount

◆ DefenderReinforcementBatchPercentage

float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.DefenderReinforcementBatchPercentage

◆ AttackerReinforcementBatchPercentage

float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionSpawnSettings.AttackerReinforcementBatchPercentage