override UsableMachineAIBase | CreateAIBehaviorObject () |
override void | AfterMissionStart () |
override SiegeEngineType | GetSiegeEngineType () |
override TickRequirement | GetTickRequirement () |
override string | GetDescriptionText (GameEntity gameEntity=null) |
override TextObject | GetActionTextForStandingPoint (UsableMissionObject usableGameObject) |
override TargetFlags | GetTargetFlags () |
override float | GetTargetValue (List< Vec3 > weaponPos) |
override float | ProcessTargetValue (float baseValue, TargetFlags flags) |
void | SetSpawnedFromSpawner () |
Public Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.RangedSiegeWeapon |
delegate void | OnSiegeWeaponReloadDone () |
virtual void | SetAmmo (int ammoLeft) |
void | ChangeProjectileEntityClient (int index) |
override void | WriteToNetwork () |
override bool | IsInRangeToCheckAlternativePoints (Agent agent) |
override StandingPoint | GetBestPointAlternativeTo (StandingPoint standingPoint, Agent agent) |
override TickRequirement | GetTickRequirement () |
void | GiveInput (float inputX, float inputY) |
void | GiveExactInput (float targetX, float targetY) |
virtual float | GetTargetDirection (Vec3 target) |
| Calculates the required direction of this ranged siege weapon to hit the param target.
virtual float | GetTargetReleaseAngle (Vec3 target) |
| Calculates the required release angle of this ranged siege weapon to hit the param target.
virtual bool | AimAtThreat (Threat threat) |
| Rotates the param current direction angle towards the param target direction angle.
virtual void | AimAtRotation (float horizontalRotation, float verticalRotation) |
bool | Shoot () |
| Shoots if it is ready to shoot.
void | ManualReload () |
void | AiRequestsShoot () |
void | AiRequestsManualReload () |
override SiegeEngineType | GetSiegeEngineType () |
bool | CanShootAtBox (Vec3 boxMin, Vec3 boxMax, uint attempts=5) |
bool | CanShootAtBoxSimplified (Vec3 boxMin, Vec3 boxMax) |
bool | CanShootAtThreat (Threat threat) |
Vec3 | GetEstimatedTargetMovementVector (Vec3 targetCurrentPosition, Vec3 targetVelocity) |
bool | CanShootAtAgent (Agent agent) |
bool | CanShootAtPoint (Vec3 target) |
override OrderType | GetOrder (BattleSideEnum side) |
float | ProcessTargetValue (float baseValue, TargetFlags flags) |
override void | OnAfterReadFromNetwork ((BaseSynchedMissionObjectReadableRecord, ISynchedMissionObjectReadableRecord) synchedMissionObjectReadableRecord) |
Public Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.SiegeWeapon |
void | SetForcedUse (bool value) |
SiegeEngineType | GetSiegeEngineType () |
override TickRequirement | GetTickRequirement () |
void | TickAuxForInit () |
override bool | ShouldAutoLeaveDetachmentWhenDisabled (BattleSideEnum sideEnum) |
override bool | AutoAttachUserToFormation (BattleSideEnum sideEnum) |
override bool | HasToBeDefendedByUser (BattleSideEnum sideEnum) |
GameEntity | GetTargetEntity () |
Vec3 | GetTargetingOffset () |
BattleSideEnum | GetSide () |
GameEntity | Entity () |
TargetFlags | GetTargetFlags () |
float | GetTargetValue (List< Vec3 > weaponPos) |
Public Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.UsableMachine |
void | AddComponent (UsableMissionObjectComponent component) |
void | RemoveComponent (UsableMissionObjectComponent component) |
T | GetComponent< T > () |
GameEntity | GetValidStandingPointForAgent (Agent agent) |
GameEntity | GetValidStandingPointForAgentWithoutDistanceCheck (Agent agent) |
StandingPoint | GetVacantStandingPointForAI (Agent agent) |
StandingPoint | GetTargetStandingPointOfAIAgent (Agent agent) |
override void | OnMissionEnded () |
override void | SetVisibleSynched (bool value, bool forceChildrenVisible=false) |
| The user agent who controls this object.
override void | SetPhysicsStateSynched (bool value, bool setChildren=true) |
override TickRequirement | GetTickRequirement () |
virtual void | OnFocusGain (Agent userAgent) |
virtual void | OnFocusLose (Agent userAgent) |
virtual TextObject | GetInfoTextForBeingNotInteractable (Agent userAgent) |
void | Deactivate () |
void | Activate () |
virtual bool | IsDisabledForBattleSide (BattleSideEnum sideEnum) |
virtual bool | IsDisabledForBattleSideAI (BattleSideEnum sideEnum) |
virtual void | Disable () |
override string | ToString () |
TextObject | GetActionTextForStandingPoint (UsableMissionObject usableGameObject) |
void | AddAgentAtSlotIndex (Agent agent, int slotIndex) |
int | GetNumberOfUsableSlots () |
bool | IsStandingPointAvailableForAgent (Agent agent) |
bool | IsUsedByFormation (Formation formation) |
string | GetDescriptionText (GameEntity gameEntity=null) |
Public Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.SynchedMissionObject |
void | SetLocalPositionSmoothStep (ref Vec3 targetPosition) |
virtual void | SetDisabledSynched () |
void | SetFrameSynched (ref MatrixFrame frame, bool isClient=false) |
void | SetGlobalFrameSynched (ref MatrixFrame frame, bool isClient=false) |
void | SetFrameSynchedOverTime (ref MatrixFrame frame, float duration, bool isClient=false) |
void | SetGlobalFrameSynchedOverTime (ref MatrixFrame frame, float duration, bool isClient=false) |
void | SetAnimationAtChannelSynched (string animationName, int channelNo, float animationSpeed=1.0f) |
void | SetAnimationAtChannelSynched (int animationIndex, int channelNo, float animationSpeed=1.0f) |
void | SetAnimationChannelParameterSynched (int channelNo, float parameter) |
void | PauseSkeletonAnimationSynched () |
void | ResumeSkeletonAnimationSynched () |
void | BurstParticlesSynched (bool doChildren=true) |
void | ApplyImpulseSynched (Vec3 localPosition, Vec3 impulse) |
void | AddBodyFlagsSynched (BodyFlags flags, bool applyToChildren=true) |
void | RemoveBodyFlagsSynched (BodyFlags flags, bool applyToChildren=true) |
void | SetTeamColors (uint color, uint color2) |
virtual void | SetTeamColorsSynched (uint color, uint color2) |
Public Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject |
| MissionObject () |
virtual void | SetAbilityOfFaces (bool enabled) |
override int | GetHashCode () |
void | SetDisabled (bool isParentObject=false) |
| Only disables the mission object script and removes it from active mission objects list but the object entity remains visible with active physics.
void | SetDisabledAndMakeInvisible (bool isParentObject=false) |
| Mission object is disabled and removed from active mission objects list, its entity is made invisible and therefore its physics is turned off.
virtual void | OnEndMission () |
virtual void | AddStuckMissile (GameEntity missileEntity) |
void | SetScriptComponentToTick (TickRequirement value) |
void | SetScriptComponentToTickMT (TickRequirement value) |
Public Types inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.RangedSiegeWeapon |
enum | WeaponState {
Invalid = -1
Idle = 0
} |
| The cycle of states is as follows: Idle => WaitingBeforeProjectileLeaving => Shooting => WaitingBeforeReloading => Reloading => Idle. Shoot method should be called for moving from Idle state to WaitingBeforeProjectileLeaving state. All other state changes are done in StateUpdate method. Default value is Idle state. More...
enum | FiringFocus {
} |
enum | CameraState {
} |
Public Types inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.SynchedMissionObject |
enum | SynchFlags : uint {
SynchNone = 0x00000000
SynchTransform = 0x00000001
SynchAnimation = 0x00000002
SynchBodyFlags = 0x00000004
SyncColors = 0x00000008
SynchAll = 0xffffffff
} |
enum | TickRequirement : uint {
None = 0x00000000
TickOccasionally = 0x00000001
Tick = 0x00000002
TickParallel = 0x00000004
TickParallel2 = 0x00000008
} |
Static Public Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.RangedSiegeWeapon |
const float | DefaultDirectionRestriction = MBMath.PI / 1.5f |
const string | MultipleProjectileId = "grapeshot_fire_stack" |
const string | MultipleProjectileFlyingId = "grapeshot_fire_projectile" |
const int | MultipleProjectileCount = 5 |
const string | CanGoAmmoPickupTag = "can_pick_up_ammo" |
const string | DontApplySidePenaltyTag = "no_ammo_pick_up_penalty" |
const string | ReloadTag = "reload" |
const string | AmmoLoadTag = "ammoload" |
const string | CameraHolderTag = "cameraHolder" |
const string | ProjectileTag = "projectile" |
Static Public Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.UsableMachine |
const string | UsableMachineParentTag = "machine_parent" |
Static Public Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject |
const int | MaxNavMeshPerDynamicObject = (int) DynamicNavmeshLocalIds.Count |
Protected Types inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject |
enum | DynamicNavmeshLocalIds : int {
Inside = 1
Enter = 2
Exit = 3
Blocker = 4
Extra1 = 5
Extra2 = 6
Extra3 = 7
Reserved1 = 8
Reserved2 = 9
} |
Static Protected Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.RangedSiegeWeapon |
static bool | ApproachToAngle (ref float angle, float angleToApproach, bool isMouse, float speed_limit, float dt, float sensitivity) |
Protected Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.RangedSiegeWeapon |
bool | UsesMouseForAiming |
GameEntity | MissileStartingPositionEntityForSimulation |
Skeleton[] | Skeletons |
SynchedMissionObject[] | SkeletonOwnerObjects |
string[] | SkeletonNames |
string[] | FireAnimations |
string[] | SetUpAnimations |
int[] | FireAnimationIndices |
int[] | SetUpAnimationIndices |
SynchedMissionObject | RotationObject |
SoundEvent | MoveSound = null |
SoundEvent | ReloadSound = null |
int | MoveSoundIndex = -1 |
int | ReloadSoundIndex = -1 |
int | ReloadEndSoundIndex = -1 |
ItemObject | OriginalMissileItem |
ItemObject | LoadedMissileItem |
List< StandingPoint > | CanPickUpAmmoStandingPoints |
List< StandingPoint > | ReloadStandingPoints |
List< StandingPointWithWeaponRequirement > | AmmoPickUpStandingPoints |
StandingPointWithWeaponRequirement | LoadAmmoStandingPoint |
Dictionary< StandingPoint, float > | PilotReservePriorityValues = new Dictionary<StandingPoint, float>() |
Agent | ReloaderAgent |
StandingPoint | ReloaderAgentOriginalPoint |
bool | AttackClickWillReload = false |
bool | WeaponNeedsClickToReload = false |
int | CurrentAmmo = 1 |
float | targetDirection |
float | targetReleaseAngle |
float | cameraDirection |
float | cameraReleaseAngle |
float | reloadTargetReleaseAngle |
float | maxRotateSpeed |
float | dontMoveTimer = 0.0f |
float | currentDirection |
| The angle of current direction, θ, measured in radians, such that -π≤θ≤π.
float | currentReleaseAngle |
| The angle of launch, θ, measured in radians.
float | ReleaseAngleRestrictionCenter |
float | ReleaseAngleRestrictionAngle |
float | timeGapBetweenShootingEndAndReloadingStart = 0.6f |
float | timeGapBetweenShootActionAndProjectileLeaving = 0.0f |
BattleSideEnum | _defaultSide |
SiegeMachineStonePile | _stonePile |
Protected Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.SiegeWeapon |
bool | _spawnedFromSpawner = false |
Protected Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.UsableMachine |
GameEntity | ActiveWaitStandingPoint |
bool | _areUsableStandingPointsVacant = true |
List< ValueTuple< int, StandingPoint > > | _usableStandingPoints |
bool | _isDetachmentRecentlyEvaluated = false |
float | EnemyRangeToStopUsing = 0.0f |
Vec2 | MachinePositionOffsetToStopUsingLocal = Vec2.Zero |
bool | MakeVisibilityCheck = true |
bool | _isDisabledForAI = false |
MBList< Formation > | _userFormations |
Protected Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject |
string | NavMeshPrefabName = "" |
int | DynamicNavmeshIdStart = 0 |
Events inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.RangedSiegeWeapon |
OnSiegeWeaponReloadDone | OnReloadDone |
Action< RangedSiegeWeapon, Agent > | OnAgentLoadsMachine |