M&B: Bannerlord 1.2.7
The horns sound, the ravens gather.
No Matches
TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint Class Reference

Inherits TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.SynchedMissionObject.

Public Member Functions

void ResetPointAsServer (uint defaultColor, uint defaultColor2)
void RemovePointAsServer ()
void OnAfterTick (bool canOwnershipChange, out bool ownerTeamChanged)
void SetMoveFlag (CaptureTheFlagFlagDirection directionTo, float speedMultiplier=1f)
void ChangeMovementSpeed (float speedMultiplier)
void SetMoveNone ()
void SetVisibleWithAllSynched (bool value, bool forceChildrenVisible=false)
void SetTeamColorsWithAllSynched (uint color, uint color2)
uint GetFlagColor ()
uint GetFlagColor2 ()
float GetFlagProgress ()
 Returns flag's progress between 0 and 1.
- Public Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.SynchedMissionObject
override TickRequirement GetTickRequirement ()
void SetLocalPositionSmoothStep (ref Vec3 targetPosition)
virtual void SetVisibleSynched (bool value, bool forceChildrenVisible=false)
virtual void SetPhysicsStateSynched (bool value, bool setChildren=true)
virtual void SetDisabledSynched ()
void SetFrameSynched (ref MatrixFrame frame, bool isClient=false)
void SetGlobalFrameSynched (ref MatrixFrame frame, bool isClient=false)
void SetFrameSynchedOverTime (ref MatrixFrame frame, float duration, bool isClient=false)
void SetGlobalFrameSynchedOverTime (ref MatrixFrame frame, float duration, bool isClient=false)
void SetAnimationAtChannelSynched (string animationName, int channelNo, float animationSpeed=1.0f)
void SetAnimationAtChannelSynched (int animationIndex, int channelNo, float animationSpeed=1.0f)
void SetAnimationChannelParameterSynched (int channelNo, float parameter)
void PauseSkeletonAnimationSynched ()
void ResumeSkeletonAnimationSynched ()
void BurstParticlesSynched (bool doChildren=true)
void ApplyImpulseSynched (Vec3 localPosition, Vec3 impulse)
void AddBodyFlagsSynched (BodyFlags flags, bool applyToChildren=true)
void RemoveBodyFlagsSynched (BodyFlags flags, bool applyToChildren=true)
void SetTeamColors (uint color, uint color2)
virtual void SetTeamColorsSynched (uint color, uint color2)
virtual void WriteToNetwork ()
virtual void OnAfterReadFromNetwork ((BaseSynchedMissionObjectReadableRecord, ISynchedMissionObjectReadableRecord) synchedMissionObjectReadableRecord)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject
 MissionObject ()
virtual void SetAbilityOfFaces (bool enabled)
override int GetHashCode ()
virtual void AfterMissionStart ()
virtual void OnMissionEnded ()
void SetDisabled (bool isParentObject=false)
 Only disables the mission object script and removes it from active mission objects list but the object entity remains visible with active physics.
void SetDisabledAndMakeInvisible (bool isParentObject=false)
 Mission object is disabled and removed from active mission objects list, its entity is made invisible and therefore its physics is turned off.
virtual void OnEndMission ()
virtual void AddStuckMissile (GameEntity missileEntity)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.Engine.ScriptComponentBehavior
void SetScriptComponentToTick (TickRequirement value)
void SetScriptComponentToTickMT (TickRequirement value)
virtual TickRequirement GetTickRequirement ()

Public Attributes

int FlagIndex

Static Public Attributes

const float PointRadius = 4f
const float RadiusMultiplierForContestedArea = 1.5f
- Static Public Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject
const int MaxNavMeshPerDynamicObject = (int) DynamicNavmeshLocalIds.Count


Vec3 Position [get]
int FlagChar [get]
bool IsContested [get]
bool IsFullyRaised [get]
bool IsDeactivated [get]
- Properties inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.SynchedMissionObject
uint Color [get]
uint Color2 [get]
bool SynchronizeCompleted [get]
- Properties inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject
MissionObjectId Id [get, set]
bool IsDisabled [get]
bool CreatedAtRuntime [get]
- Properties inherited from TaleWorlds.Engine.ScriptComponentBehavior
GameEntity GameEntity [get]
ManagedScriptComponent ScriptComponent [get]
ManagedScriptHolder ManagedScriptHolder [get]
Scene Scene [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.SynchedMissionObject
enum  SynchFlags : uint {
  SynchNone = 0x00000000 ,
  SynchTransform = 0x00000001 ,
  SynchAnimation = 0x00000002 ,
  SynchBodyFlags = 0x00000004 ,
  SyncColors = 0x00000008 ,
  SynchAll = 0xffffffff
- Public Types inherited from TaleWorlds.Engine.ScriptComponentBehavior
enum  TickRequirement : uint {
  None = 0x00000000 ,
  TickOccasionally = 0x00000001 ,
  Tick = 0x00000002 ,
  TickParallel = 0x00000004 ,
  TickParallel2 = 0x00000008
- Protected Types inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject
enum  DynamicNavmeshLocalIds : int {
  Inside = 1 ,
  Enter = 2 ,
  Exit = 3 ,
  Blocker = 4 ,
  Extra1 = 5 ,
  Extra2 = 6 ,
  Extra3 = 7 ,
  Reserved1 = 8 ,
  Reserved2 = 9 ,
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject
virtual void AttachDynamicNavmeshToEntity ()
virtual GameEntity GetEntityToAttachNavMeshFaces ()
override void OnRemoved (int removeReason)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.Engine.ScriptComponentBehavior
void InvalidateWeakPointersIfValid ()
 ScriptComponentBehavior ()
virtual void OnRemoved (int removeReason)
- Protected Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject
string NavMeshPrefabName = ""
int DynamicNavmeshIdStart = 0

Member Function Documentation

◆ ResetPointAsServer()

void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.ResetPointAsServer ( uint  defaultColor,
uint  defaultColor2 

◆ RemovePointAsServer()

void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.RemovePointAsServer ( )

◆ OnAfterTick()

void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.OnAfterTick ( bool  canOwnershipChange,
out bool  ownerTeamChanged 

◆ SetMoveFlag()

void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.SetMoveFlag ( CaptureTheFlagFlagDirection  directionTo,
float  speedMultiplier = 1f 

◆ ChangeMovementSpeed()

void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.ChangeMovementSpeed ( float  speedMultiplier)

◆ SetMoveNone()

void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.SetMoveNone ( )

◆ SetVisibleWithAllSynched()

void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.SetVisibleWithAllSynched ( bool  value,
bool  forceChildrenVisible = false 

◆ SetTeamColorsWithAllSynched()

void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.SetTeamColorsWithAllSynched ( uint  color,
uint  color2 

◆ GetFlagColor()

uint TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.GetFlagColor ( )

◆ GetFlagColor2()

uint TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.GetFlagColor2 ( )

◆ GetFlagProgress()

float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.GetFlagProgress ( )
Flag's progress between 0 and 1

Member Data Documentation

◆ PointRadius

const float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.PointRadius = 4f

◆ RadiusMultiplierForContestedArea

const float TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.RadiusMultiplierForContestedArea = 1.5f

◆ FlagIndex

int TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.FlagIndex

Property Documentation

◆ Position

Vec3 TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.Position

◆ FlagChar

int TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.FlagChar

◆ IsContested

bool TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.IsContested

◆ IsFullyRaised

bool TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.IsFullyRaised

◆ IsDeactivated

bool TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Objects.FlagCapturePoint.IsDeactivated