M&B: Bannerlord 1.0.0
The horns sound, the ravens gather.
No Matches
TaleWorlds.Library Namespace Reference


namespace  CodeGeneration
namespace  EventSystem
namespace  Http
namespace  NewsManager


struct  AmbientInformation
class  ApplicationPlatform
struct  ApplicationVersion
struct  AreaInformation
class  AssemblyLoader
class  AsyncRunner
class  AtmosphereInfo
class  AwaitableAsyncRunner
class  BasePath
class  BinaryReader
class  BinaryWriter
class  BindingPath
class  CachedDataAttribute
struct  Color
class  ColorExtensions
class  Colors
class  CommandLineFunctionality
class  Common
class  ConfigurationManager
class  CubicBezier
class  DataSourceProperty
class  Debug
class  DefaultParallelDriver
class  EngineMethod
class  Extensions
class  FileHelper
class  FileHelperExtensions
struct  FogInformation
class  GenericComparer
class  HTMLDebugData
class  HTMLDebugManager
class  HttpHelper
interface  IConfigurationManager
interface  IDebugManager
interface  IMBBindingList
interface  IMBCollection
class  InformationManager
class  InformationMessage
class  InquiryData
interface  IParallelDriver
interface  IPlatformFileHelper
interface  IReader
interface  ISerializableObject
interface  ITask
interface  IViewModel
interface  IWriter
class  ListChangedEventArgs
class  Logger
class  MachineId
struct  ManagedArray
class  ManagedDllFolder
struct  Mat2
struct  Mat3
 3x3 Matrix class for 3d graphics. More...
class  MathF
struct  MatrixFrame
 Defines Matrix frame class for a coordinate frame. More...
class  MBBindingList
class  MBList
class  MBList2D
class  MBMath
class  MBQueue
class  MBReadOnlyDictionary
class  MBReadOnlyList
struct  MBStringBuilder
class  MBUtil
class  MBWorkspace
class  NavigationPath
class  ObjectInstanceTracker
class  ParameterContainer
class  ParameterFile
class  ParameterLoader
struct  PathFaceRecord
class  PathFinder
class  PerformanceTestBlock
struct  PinnedArrayData
struct  PlatformDirectoryPath
class  PlatformFileHelperPC
struct  PlatformFilePath
class  PlatformInitParams
struct  PostProcessInformation
class  PriorityQueue
 Priority queue based on binary heap, Elements with minimum priority dequeued first More...
class  ProfanityChecker
class  PropertyChangedWithValueEventArgs
struct  Quaternion
struct  RainInformation
struct  Ray
class  ResourceDepot
class  ResourceDepotFile
class  ResourceDepotLocation
struct  SaveResultWithMessage
class  SerialTask
class  SingleThreadedSynchronizationContext
struct  SkyInformation
struct  SnowInformation
class  SRTHelper
class  StringReader
class  StringWriter
struct  SunInformation
class  TestCommonBase
class  TestContext
class  TextInquiryData
class  TimedDictionaryCache
 Wraps the Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class to present a time-aware data structure that prunes stale entries. This class is lightweight when idle, no events will be run periodically. Pruning of expired cache items is only done on explicit or implicit request. More...
struct  TimeInformation
class  TooltipVM
struct  Transformation
class  TWException
class  TWParallel
class  TWSharedMutex
struct  TWSharedMutexReadLock
struct  TWSharedMutexUpgradeableReadLock
struct  TWSharedMutexWriteLock
class  TWXmlLoadException
class  TypeCollector
class  UiStringHelper
struct  Vec2
 2D vector class More...
struct  Vec2i
struct  Vec3
 3D Vector class More...
struct  Vec3i
class  ViewModel
class  VirtualDirectoryAttribute
class  VirtualFileAttribute
class  VirtualFolders


enum  Platform
enum  Runtime
enum  EngineType
enum  ApplicationVersionType
enum  TelemetryLevelMask : uint
enum  HTMLDebugCategory
enum  InputType
enum  InputUsageMask
enum  ListChangedType
enum  PlatformFileType
enum  SaveResult


delegate void ListChangedEventHandler (object sender, ListChangedEventArgs e)
delegate Type PropertyTypeFeeder ()
delegate void PropertyChangedWithValueEventHandler (object sender, PropertyChangedWithValueEventArgs e)
delegate void ResourceChangeEvent ()

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Platform

◆ Runtime

◆ EngineType

◆ ApplicationVersionType

◆ TelemetryLevelMask

◆ HTMLDebugCategory

◆ InputType

◆ InputUsageMask

◆ ListChangedType

◆ PlatformFileType

◆ SaveResult

Function Documentation

◆ ListChangedEventHandler()

delegate void TaleWorlds.Library.ListChangedEventHandler ( object  sender,
ListChangedEventArgs  e 

◆ PropertyTypeFeeder()

delegate Type TaleWorlds.Library.PropertyTypeFeeder ( )

◆ PropertyChangedWithValueEventHandler()

delegate void TaleWorlds.Library.PropertyChangedWithValueEventHandler ( object  sender,
PropertyChangedWithValueEventArgs  e 

◆ ResourceChangeEvent()

delegate void TaleWorlds.Library.ResourceChangeEvent ( )