M&B: Bannerlord 1.2.7
The horns sound, the ravens gather.
No Matches
SandBox.Objects.Usables.Passage Class Reference

Inherits TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.UsableMachine.

Public Member Functions

override string GetDescriptionText (GameEntity gameEntity=null)
override TextObject GetActionTextForStandingPoint (UsableMissionObject usableGameObject)
override UsableMachineAIBase CreateAIBehaviorObject ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.UsableMachine
void AddComponent (UsableMissionObjectComponent component)
void RemoveComponent (UsableMissionObjectComponent component)
GetComponent< T > ()
virtual OrderType GetOrder (BattleSideEnum side)
virtual UsableMachineAIBase CreateAIBehaviorObject ()
GameEntity GetValidStandingPointForAgent (Agent agent)
GameEntity GetValidStandingPointForAgentWithoutDistanceCheck (Agent agent)
StandingPoint GetVacantStandingPointForAI (Agent agent)
StandingPoint GetTargetStandingPointOfAIAgent (Agent agent)
override void OnMissionEnded ()
override void SetVisibleSynched (bool value, bool forceChildrenVisible=false)
 The user agent who controls this object.
override void SetPhysicsStateSynched (bool value, bool setChildren=true)
override TickRequirement GetTickRequirement ()
virtual void OnFocusGain (Agent userAgent)
virtual void OnFocusLose (Agent userAgent)
virtual TextObject GetInfoTextForBeingNotInteractable (Agent userAgent)
void Deactivate ()
void Activate ()
virtual bool IsDisabledForBattleSide (BattleSideEnum sideEnum)
virtual bool IsDisabledForBattleSideAI (BattleSideEnum sideEnum)
virtual bool ShouldAutoLeaveDetachmentWhenDisabled (BattleSideEnum sideEnum)
virtual bool AutoAttachUserToFormation (BattleSideEnum sideEnum)
virtual bool HasToBeDefendedByUser (BattleSideEnum sideEnum)
virtual void Disable ()
override string ToString ()
abstract TextObject GetActionTextForStandingPoint (UsableMissionObject usableGameObject)
virtual StandingPoint GetBestPointAlternativeTo (StandingPoint standingPoint, Agent agent)
virtual bool IsInRangeToCheckAlternativePoints (Agent agent)
void AddAgentAtSlotIndex (Agent agent, int slotIndex)
int GetNumberOfUsableSlots ()
bool IsStandingPointAvailableForAgent (Agent agent)
bool IsUsedByFormation (Formation formation)
abstract string GetDescriptionText (GameEntity gameEntity=null)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.SynchedMissionObject
override TickRequirement GetTickRequirement ()
void SetLocalPositionSmoothStep (ref Vec3 targetPosition)
virtual void SetVisibleSynched (bool value, bool forceChildrenVisible=false)
virtual void SetPhysicsStateSynched (bool value, bool setChildren=true)
virtual void SetDisabledSynched ()
void SetFrameSynched (ref MatrixFrame frame, bool isClient=false)
void SetGlobalFrameSynched (ref MatrixFrame frame, bool isClient=false)
void SetFrameSynchedOverTime (ref MatrixFrame frame, float duration, bool isClient=false)
void SetGlobalFrameSynchedOverTime (ref MatrixFrame frame, float duration, bool isClient=false)
void SetAnimationAtChannelSynched (string animationName, int channelNo, float animationSpeed=1.0f)
void SetAnimationAtChannelSynched (int animationIndex, int channelNo, float animationSpeed=1.0f)
void SetAnimationChannelParameterSynched (int channelNo, float parameter)
void PauseSkeletonAnimationSynched ()
void ResumeSkeletonAnimationSynched ()
void BurstParticlesSynched (bool doChildren=true)
void ApplyImpulseSynched (Vec3 localPosition, Vec3 impulse)
void AddBodyFlagsSynched (BodyFlags flags, bool applyToChildren=true)
void RemoveBodyFlagsSynched (BodyFlags flags, bool applyToChildren=true)
void SetTeamColors (uint color, uint color2)
virtual void SetTeamColorsSynched (uint color, uint color2)
virtual void WriteToNetwork ()
virtual void OnAfterReadFromNetwork ((BaseSynchedMissionObjectReadableRecord, ISynchedMissionObjectReadableRecord) synchedMissionObjectReadableRecord)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject
 MissionObject ()
virtual void SetAbilityOfFaces (bool enabled)
override int GetHashCode ()
virtual void AfterMissionStart ()
virtual void OnMissionEnded ()
void SetDisabled (bool isParentObject=false)
 Only disables the mission object script and removes it from active mission objects list but the object entity remains visible with active physics.
void SetDisabledAndMakeInvisible (bool isParentObject=false)
 Mission object is disabled and removed from active mission objects list, its entity is made invisible and therefore its physics is turned off.
virtual void OnEndMission ()
virtual void AddStuckMissile (GameEntity missileEntity)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.Engine.ScriptComponentBehavior
void SetScriptComponentToTick (TickRequirement value)
void SetScriptComponentToTickMT (TickRequirement value)
virtual TickRequirement GetTickRequirement ()
void OnFocusGain (Agent userAgent)
void OnFocusLose (Agent userAgent)
TextObject GetInfoTextForBeingNotInteractable (Agent userAgent)
string GetDescriptionText (GameEntity gameEntity=null)
OrderType GetOrder (BattleSideEnum side)
bool IsAgentUsingOrInterested (Agent agent)
float? GetWeightOfNextSlot (BattleSideEnum side)
 Null if there is no vacancy left. Otherwise it is a positive number.
float GetDetachmentWeight (BattleSideEnum side)
float ComputeAndCacheDetachmentWeight (BattleSideEnum side)
float GetDetachmentWeightFromCache ()
void GetSlotIndexWeightTuples (List< ValueTuple< int, float > > slotIndexWeightTuples)
bool IsSlotAtIndexAvailableForAgent (int slotIndex, Agent agent)
bool IsAgentEligible (Agent agent)
void AddAgentAtSlotIndex (Agent agent, int slotIndex)
Agent GetMovingAgentAtSlotIndex (int slotIndex)
void MarkSlotAtIndex (int slotIndex)
bool IsDetachmentRecentlyEvaluated ()
void UnmarkDetachment ()
float? GetWeightOfAgentAtNextSlot (List< Agent > candidates, out Agent match)
float? GetWeightOfAgentAtNextSlot (List< ValueTuple< Agent, float > > agentTemplateScores, out Agent match)
float GetTemplateWeightOfAgent (Agent candidate)
List< float > GetTemplateCostsOfAgent (Agent candidate, List< float > oldValue)
float GetExactCostOfAgentAtSlot (Agent candidate, int slotIndex)
float GetWeightOfOccupiedSlot (Agent detachedAgent)
float? GetWeightOfAgentAtOccupiedSlot (Agent detachedAgent, List< Agent > candidates, out Agent match)
bool IsStandingPointAvailableForAgent (Agent agent)
void AddAgent (Agent agent, int slotIndex=-1)
void RemoveAgent (Agent detachedAgent)
int GetNumberOfUsableSlots ()
void FormationStartUsing (Formation formation)
void FormationStopUsing (Formation formation)
bool IsUsedByFormation (Formation formation)
WorldFrameGetAgentFrame (Agent detachedAgent)
 Returns null for siege weapons and other detachments that sets scripted frame for the agent. Returns a frame otherwise.
void ResetEvaluation ()
bool IsEvaluated ()
void SetAsEvaluated ()
void OnFormationLeave (Formation formation)


Location ToLocation [get]
- Properties inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.UsableMachine
MBList< StandingPointStandingPoints [get]
StandingPoint PilotStandingPoint [get]
List< GameEntityWaitStandingPoints [get]
DestructableComponent DestructionComponent [get]
bool IsDestructible [get]
bool IsDestroyed [get]
Agent PilotAgent [get]
bool IsLoose [get]
UsableMachineAIBase Ai [get]
virtual FocusableObjectType FocusableObjectType [get]
StandingPoint CurrentlyUsedAmmoPickUpPoint [get, set]
bool HasAIPickingUpAmmo [get]
MBReadOnlyList< FormationUserFormations [get]
int UserCountNotInStruckAction [get]
int UserCountIncludingInStruckAction [get]
virtual int MaxUserCount [get]
virtual bool HasWaitFrame [get]
MatrixFrame WaitFrame [get]
GameEntity WaitEntity [get]
virtual bool IsDeactivated [get]
- Properties inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.SynchedMissionObject
uint Color [get]
uint Color2 [get]
bool SynchronizeCompleted [get]
- Properties inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject
MissionObjectId Id [get, set]
bool IsDisabled [get]
bool CreatedAtRuntime [get]
- Properties inherited from TaleWorlds.Engine.ScriptComponentBehavior
GameEntity GameEntity [get]
ManagedScriptComponent ScriptComponent [get]
ManagedScriptHolder ManagedScriptHolder [get]
Scene Scene [get]
- Properties inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.IFocusable
FocusableObjectType FocusableObjectType [get]
- Properties inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.IDetachment
MBReadOnlyList< FormationUserFormations [get]
bool IsLoose [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.SynchedMissionObject
enum  SynchFlags : uint {
  SynchNone = 0x00000000 ,
  SynchTransform = 0x00000001 ,
  SynchAnimation = 0x00000002 ,
  SynchBodyFlags = 0x00000004 ,
  SyncColors = 0x00000008 ,
  SynchAll = 0xffffffff
- Public Types inherited from TaleWorlds.Engine.ScriptComponentBehavior
enum  TickRequirement : uint {
  None = 0x00000000 ,
  TickOccasionally = 0x00000001 ,
  Tick = 0x00000002 ,
  TickParallel = 0x00000004 ,
  TickParallel2 = 0x00000008
- Public Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.UsableMachine
string PilotStandingPointTag = "Pilot"
string AmmoPickUpTag = "ammopickup"
string WaitStandingPointTag = "Wait"
- Static Public Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.UsableMachine
const string UsableMachineParentTag = "machine_parent"
- Static Public Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject
const int MaxNavMeshPerDynamicObject = (int) DynamicNavmeshLocalIds.Count
- Protected Types inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject
enum  DynamicNavmeshLocalIds : int {
  Inside = 1 ,
  Enter = 2 ,
  Exit = 3 ,
  Blocker = 4 ,
  Extra1 = 5 ,
  Extra2 = 6 ,
  Extra3 = 7 ,
  Reserved1 = 8 ,
  Reserved2 = 9 ,
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.UsableMachine
 UsableMachine ()
virtual void DebugTick (float dt)
bool IsDisabledDueToEnemyInRange (BattleSideEnum sideEnum)
override void OnRemoved (int removeReason)
virtual float GetWeightOfStandingPoint (StandingPoint sp)
virtual float GetDetachmentWeightAux (BattleSideEnum side)
virtual bool IsAgentOnInconvenientNavmesh (Agent agent, StandingPoint standingPoint)
virtual StandingPoint GetSuitableStandingPointFor (BattleSideEnum side, Agent agent=null, List< Agent > agents=null, List< ValueTuple< Agent, float > > agentValuePairs=null)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject
virtual void AttachDynamicNavmeshToEntity ()
virtual GameEntity GetEntityToAttachNavMeshFaces ()
override void OnRemoved (int removeReason)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.Engine.ScriptComponentBehavior
void InvalidateWeakPointersIfValid ()
 ScriptComponentBehavior ()
virtual void OnRemoved (int removeReason)
- Protected Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.UsableMachine
GameEntity ActiveWaitStandingPoint
bool _areUsableStandingPointsVacant = true
List< ValueTuple< int, StandingPoint > > _usableStandingPoints
bool _isDetachmentRecentlyEvaluated = false
float EnemyRangeToStopUsing = 0.0f
Vec2 MachinePositionOffsetToStopUsingLocal = Vec2.Zero
bool MakeVisibilityCheck = true
bool _isDisabledForAI = false
MBList< Formation_userFormations
- Protected Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.MissionObject
string NavMeshPrefabName = ""
int DynamicNavmeshIdStart = 0

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetDescriptionText()

override string SandBox.Objects.Usables.Passage.GetDescriptionText ( GameEntity  gameEntity = null)

◆ GetActionTextForStandingPoint()

override TextObject SandBox.Objects.Usables.Passage.GetActionTextForStandingPoint ( UsableMissionObject  usableGameObject)

◆ CreateAIBehaviorObject()

override UsableMachineAIBase SandBox.Objects.Usables.Passage.CreateAIBehaviorObject ( )

Property Documentation

◆ ToLocation

Location SandBox.Objects.Usables.Passage.ToLocation