M&B: Bannerlord 1.1.0
The horns sound, the ravens gather.
No Matches
TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel Class Reference

Inherits TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.Widget.

Inherited by TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.GauntletUI.Widgets.EncyclopediaTroopScrollablePanel.

Public Member Functions

 ScrollablePanel (UIContext context)
void ResetTweenSpeed ()
void ScrollToChild (Widget targetWidget, float horizontalTargetValue=-1f, float verticalTargetValue=-1f, int horizontalOffsetInPixels=0, int verticalOffsetInPixels=0, float verticalInterpolationTime=0f, float horizontalInterpolationTime=0f)
 Moves scrollbars to bring targetWidget inside the ClipRect.
Takes X and Y target values ranged from 0 to 1. Target position is relative to the ClipRect. Takes the widget's size into account.
If any target value is lesser than 0, automatically chooses the target value by the widget's relative position in that direction.
void SetVerticalScrollTarget (float targetValue, float interpolationDuration)
void SetHorizontalScrollTarget (float targetValue, float interpolationDuration)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.Widget
void ApplyActionOnAllChildren (Action< Widget > action)
 Widget (UIContext context)
GetComponent< T > ()
void AddComponent (WidgetComponent component)
void AddState (string stateName)
bool ContainsState (string stateName)
virtual void SetState (string stateName)
Widget FindChild (BindingPath path)
Widget FindChild (string singlePathNode)
Widget FindChild (WidgetSearchDelegate widgetSearchDelegate)
Widget FindChild (string id, bool includeAllChildren=false)
void RemoveAllChildren ()
virtual void UpdateAnimationPropertiesSubTask (float alphaFactor)
void Measure (Vector2 measureSpec)
bool CheckIsMyChildRecursive (Widget child)
void AddChild (Widget widget)
void AddChildAtIndex (Widget widget, int index)
void SwapChildren (Widget widget1, Widget widget2)
void RemoveChild (Widget widget)
virtual void OnBeforeRemovedChild (Widget widget)
 Called before binding is broken and child is removed Be careful not to invalidate datasource data in here!
bool HasChild (Widget widget)
virtual void UpdateBrushes (float dt)
int GetChildIndex (Widget child)
int GetVisibleChildIndex (Widget child)
int GetFilterChildIndex (Widget child, Func< Widget, bool > childrenFilter)
Widget GetChild (int i)
void Layout (float left, float bottom, float right, float top)
virtual void HandleInput (IReadOnlyList< int > lastKeysPressed)
bool IsPointInsideMeasuredArea (Vector2 p)
bool IsPointInsideGamepadCursorArea (Vector2 p)
void Hide ()
void Show ()
Vector2 GetLocalPoint (Vector2 globalPoint)
 Transforms a global point to local coordinates for this widget.
void SetSiblingIndex (int index, bool force=false)
int GetSiblingIndex ()
int GetVisibleSiblingIndex ()
void Render (TwoDimensionContext twoDimensionContext, TwoDimensionDrawContext drawContext)
bool IsRecursivelyVisible ()
override string ToString ()
void OnGamepadNavigationFocusGain ()

Public Attributes

int MouseScrollSpeed
AlignmentAxis MouseScrollAxis
- Public Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.Widget
Func< Widget, Widget, bool > AcceptDropHandler
Action< WidgetOnGamepadNavigationFocusGained

Protected Member Functions

override bool OnPreviewMouseScroll ()
override bool OnPreviewRightStickMovement ()
override void OnLateUpdate (float dt)
void SetActiveCursor (UIContext.MouseCursors cursor)
float GetScrollYValueForWidget (Widget widget, float widgetTargetYValue, float offset)
 Gets the vertical scrollbar value for the widget to align by widgetTargetYValue relative to ClipRect.
float GetScrollXValueForWidget (Widget widget, float widgetTargetXValue, float offset)
 Gets the horizontal scrollbar value for the widget to align by widgetTargetXValue relative to ClipRect.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.Widget
void SetMeasureAndLayoutDirty ()
void SetMeasureDirty ()
void SetLayoutDirty ()
virtual void OnUpdate (float dt)
virtual void OnParallelUpdate (float dt)
virtual void OnLateUpdate (float dt)
virtual void RefreshState ()
virtual void OnChildAdded (Widget child)
virtual void OnChildRemoved (Widget child)
virtual void OnAfterChildRemoved (Widget child)
virtual void OnRender (TwoDimensionContext twoDimensionContext, TwoDimensionDrawContext drawContext)
void EventFired (string eventName, params object[] args)
virtual void OnDisconnectedFromRoot ()
virtual void OnConnectedToRoot ()
virtual void OnGamepadNavigationIndexUpdated (int newIndex)
virtual bool OnPreviewMousePressed ()
virtual bool OnPreviewMouseReleased ()
virtual bool OnPreviewMouseAlternatePressed ()
virtual bool OnPreviewMouseAlternateReleased ()
virtual bool OnPreviewDragBegin ()
virtual bool OnPreviewDragEnd ()
virtual bool OnPreviewDrop ()
virtual bool OnPreviewMouseScroll ()
virtual bool OnPreviewRightStickMovement ()
virtual bool OnPreviewMouseMove ()
virtual bool OnPreviewDragHover ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.PropertyOwnerObject
void OnPropertyChanged< T > (T value, [CallerMemberName]string propertyName=null)
void OnPropertyChanged (int value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName=null)
void OnPropertyChanged (float value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName=null)
void OnPropertyChanged (bool value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName=null)
void OnPropertyChanged (Vec2 value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName=null)
void OnPropertyChanged (Vector2 value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName=null)
void OnPropertyChanged (double value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName=null)
void OnPropertyChanged (uint value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName=null)
void OnPropertyChanged (Color value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName=null)

Protected Attributes

bool _canScrollHorizontal = false
bool _canScrollVertical = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.Widget
Vector2 _cachedGlobalPosition
bool _calculateSizeFirstFrame = true
float _stateTimer
VisualState _startVisualState
VisualStateAnimationState _currentVisualStateAnimationState
int _seed


Widget ClipRect [get, set]
Widget InnerPanel [get, set]
ScrollbarWidget ActiveScrollbar [get]
bool UpdateScrollbarVisibility = true [get, set]
Widget FixedHeader [get, set]
Widget ScrolledHeader [get, set]
bool AutoHideScrollBars [get, set]
bool AutoHideScrollBarHandle [get, set]
bool AutoAdjustScrollbarHandleSize [get, set]
bool OnlyAcceptScrollEventIfCanScroll [get, set]
ScrollbarWidget HorizontalScrollbar [get, set]
ScrollbarWidget VerticalScrollbar [get, set]
- Properties inherited from TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.Widget
float ColorFactor = 1f [get, set]
float AlphaFactor = 1f [get, set]
float ValueFactor [get, set]
float SaturationFactor [get, set]
float ExtendLeft [get, set]
float ExtendRight [get, set]
float ExtendTop [get, set]
float ExtendBottom [get, set]
bool VerticalFlip [get, set]
bool HorizontalFlip [get, set]
bool FrictionEnabled [get, set]
 Enables gamepad cursor friction while hovering over this widget.
Color Color [get, set]
string Id [get, set]
Vector2 LocalPosition [get]
Vector2 GlobalPosition [get]
bool DoNotUseCustomScaleAndChildren [get, set]
bool DoNotUseCustomScale [get, set]
float _scaleToUse [get]
float _inverseScaleToUse [get]
Vector2 Size [get]
float SuggestedWidth [get, set]
float SuggestedHeight [get, set]
float ScaledSuggestedWidth [get, set]
float ScaledSuggestedHeight [get, set]
bool TweenPosition [get, set]
string HoveredCursorState [get, set]
bool AlternateClickEventHasSpecialEvent [get, set]
Vector2 PosOffset [get, set]
Vector2 ScaledPositionOffset [get]
float PositionXOffset [get, set]
float PositionYOffset [get, set]
float ScaledPositionXOffset [get, set]
float ScaledPositionYOffset [get, set]
Widget ParentWidget [get, set]
EventManager EventManager [get]
UIContext Context [get]
Vector2 MeasuredSize [get]
float MarginTop [get, set]
float MarginLeft [get, set]
float MarginBottom [get, set]
float MarginRight [get, set]
float ScaledMarginTop [get]
float ScaledMarginLeft [get]
float ScaledMarginBottom [get]
float ScaledMarginRight [get]
VerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment [get, set]
HorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment [get, set]
float Left [get]
float Top [get]
float Right [get]
float Bottom [get]
int ChildCount [get]
bool ForcePixelPerfectRenderPlacement [get, set]
bool UseGlobalTimeForAnimation [get, set]
SizePolicy WidthSizePolicy [get, set]
SizePolicy HeightSizePolicy [get, set]
bool AcceptDrag [get, set]
bool AcceptDrop [get, set]
bool HideOnDrag = true [get, set]
Widget DragWidget [get, set]
bool ClipContents [get, set]
bool ClipHorizontalContent [get, set]
bool ClipVerticalContent [get, set]
bool CircularClipEnabled [get, set]
float CircularClipRadius [get, set]
bool IsCircularClipRadiusHalfOfWidth [get, set]
bool IsCircularClipRadiusHalfOfHeight [get, set]
float CircularClipSmoothingRadius [get, set]
float CircularClipXOffset [get, set]
float CircularClipYOffset [get, set]
bool RenderLate [get, set]
bool DoNotRenderIfNotFullyInsideScissor [get, set]
bool FixedWidth [get]
bool FixedHeight [get]
bool IsHovered [get]
bool IsDisabled [get, set]
bool IsFocusable [get, set]
bool IsFocused [get]
bool IsEnabled [get, set]
bool RestartAnimationFirstFrame [get, set]
bool DoNotPassEventsToChildren [get, set]
bool DoNotAcceptEvents [get, set]
bool CanAcceptEvents [get, set]
bool IsPressed [get]
bool IsHidden [get, set]
bool IsVisible [get, set]
Sprite Sprite [get, set]
VisualDefinition VisualDefinition [get, set]
string CurrentState = "" [get, protected set]
bool UpdateChildrenStates [get, set]
object Tag [get, set]
ILayout LayoutImp [get, protected set]
bool DropEventHandledManually [get, set]
IEnumerable< WidgetAllChildrenAndThis [get]
IEnumerable< WidgetAllChildren [get]
List< WidgetChildren [get]
IEnumerable< WidgetParents [get]
float MaxWidth [get, set]
float MaxHeight [get, set]
float MinWidth [get, set]
float MinHeight [get, set]
float ScaledMaxWidth [get]
float ScaledMaxHeight [get]
float ScaledMinWidth [get]
float ScaledMinHeight [get]
bool DisableRender [get, set]
Action< Widget, string, object[]> EventFire
float ExtendCursorAreaTop [get, set]
float ExtendCursorAreaRight [get, set]
float ExtendCursorAreaBottom [get, set]
float ExtendCursorAreaLeft [get, set]
float CursorAreaXOffset [get, set]
float CursorAreaYOffset [get, set]
bool DoNotAcceptNavigation [get, set]
bool IsUsingNavigation [get, set]
bool UseSiblingIndexForNavigation [get, set]
int GamepadNavigationIndex [get, set]
GamepadNavigationTypes UsedNavigationMovements [get, set]


Action< float > OnScroll
- Events inherited from TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.Widget
Action< WidgetOnVisibilityChanged
- Events inherited from TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.PropertyOwnerObject
Action< PropertyOwnerObject, string, object > PropertyChanged
Action< PropertyOwnerObject, string, bool > boolPropertyChanged
Action< PropertyOwnerObject, string, int > intPropertyChanged
Action< PropertyOwnerObject, string, float > floatPropertyChanged
Action< PropertyOwnerObject, string, Vec2Vec2PropertyChanged
Action< PropertyOwnerObject, string, Vector2 > Vector2PropertyChanged
Action< PropertyOwnerObject, string, double > doublePropertyChanged
Action< PropertyOwnerObject, string, uint > uintPropertyChanged
Action< PropertyOwnerObject, string, ColorColorPropertyChanged

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ScrollablePanel()

TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.ScrollablePanel ( UIContext  context)

Member Function Documentation

◆ ResetTweenSpeed()

void TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.ResetTweenSpeed ( )

◆ OnPreviewMouseScroll()

override bool TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.OnPreviewMouseScroll ( )

◆ OnPreviewRightStickMovement()

override bool TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.OnPreviewRightStickMovement ( )

◆ OnLateUpdate()

override void TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.OnLateUpdate ( float  dt)

◆ SetActiveCursor()

void TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.SetActiveCursor ( UIContext::MouseCursors  cursor)

◆ GetScrollYValueForWidget()

float TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.GetScrollYValueForWidget ( Widget  widget,
float  widgetTargetYValue,
float  offset 
widgetTargetYValueTarget Y value for the widget, takes values (0-1)
offsetOffset to apply in pixels. Moves auto-scroll area top and bottom borders inwards by offset amount.

◆ GetScrollXValueForWidget()

float TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.GetScrollXValueForWidget ( Widget  widget,
float  widgetTargetXValue,
float  offset 
widgetTargetXValueTarget X value for the widget, takes values (0-1)
offsetOffset to apply in pixels. Moves auto-scroll area left and right borders inwards by offset amount.

◆ ScrollToChild()

void TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.ScrollToChild ( Widget  targetWidget,
float  horizontalTargetValue = -1f,
float  verticalTargetValue = -1f,
int  horizontalOffsetInPixels = 0,
int  verticalOffsetInPixels = 0,
float  verticalInterpolationTime = 0f,
float  horizontalInterpolationTime = 0f 
horizontalTargetValueHorizontal position of the targeted widget. (0-1)
verticalTargetValueVertical position of the targeted widget. (0-1)

◆ SetVerticalScrollTarget()

void TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.SetVerticalScrollTarget ( float  targetValue,
float  interpolationDuration 

◆ SetHorizontalScrollTarget()

void TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.SetHorizontalScrollTarget ( float  targetValue,
float  interpolationDuration 

Member Data Documentation

◆ _canScrollHorizontal

bool TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel._canScrollHorizontal = false

◆ _canScrollVertical

bool TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel._canScrollVertical = false

◆ MouseScrollSpeed

int TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.MouseScrollSpeed

◆ MouseScrollAxis

AlignmentAxis TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.MouseScrollAxis

Property Documentation

◆ ClipRect

Widget TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.ClipRect

◆ InnerPanel

Widget TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.InnerPanel

◆ ActiveScrollbar

ScrollbarWidget TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.ActiveScrollbar

◆ UpdateScrollbarVisibility

bool TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.UpdateScrollbarVisibility = true

◆ FixedHeader

Widget TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.FixedHeader

◆ ScrolledHeader

Widget TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.ScrolledHeader

◆ AutoHideScrollBars

bool TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.AutoHideScrollBars

◆ AutoHideScrollBarHandle

bool TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.AutoHideScrollBarHandle

◆ AutoAdjustScrollbarHandleSize

bool TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.AutoAdjustScrollbarHandleSize

◆ OnlyAcceptScrollEventIfCanScroll

bool TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.OnlyAcceptScrollEventIfCanScroll

◆ HorizontalScrollbar

ScrollbarWidget TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.HorizontalScrollbar

◆ VerticalScrollbar

ScrollbarWidget TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.VerticalScrollbar

Event Documentation

◆ OnScroll

Action<float> TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ScrollablePanel.OnScroll