| QuestManager () |
override void | OnQuestStarted (QuestBase quest) |
bool | IsThereActiveQuestWithType (Type type) |
bool | IsQuestGiver (Hero offeringHero) |
override void | OnGameLoaded (CampaignGameStarter campaignGameStarter) |
override void | OnSessionStart (CampaignGameStarter campaignGameStarter) |
override void | HourlyTick () |
override void | DailyTick () |
GameMenus.GameMenuOption.IssueQuestFlags | CheckQuestForMenuLocations (List< Location > currentLocations) |
void | OnQuestFinalized (QuestBase quest) |
override void | OnPlayerCharacterChanged (Hero oldPlayer, Hero newPlayer, MobileParty newPlayerParty, bool isMainPartyChanged) |
override void | CanHaveQuestsOrIssues (Hero hero, ref bool result) |
override void | CanHeroDie (Hero hero, KillCharacterAction.KillCharacterActionDetail causeOfDeath, ref bool result) |
override void | CanHeroBecomePrisoner (Hero hero, ref bool result) |
override void | CanHeroEquipmentBeChanged (Hero hero, ref bool result) |
override void | CanHeroLeadParty (Hero hero, ref bool result) |
override void | CanHeroMarry (Hero hero, ref bool result) |
override void | CanMoveToSettlement (Hero hero, ref bool result) |
override void | CanBeGovernorOrHavePartyRole (Hero hero, ref bool result) |
void | AddTrackedObjectForQuest (ITrackableCampaignObject trackedObject, QuestBase relatedQuest) |
void | RemoveTrackedObjectForQuest (ITrackableCampaignObject trackedObject, QuestBase relatedQuest) |
void | RemoveAllTrackedObjectsForQuest (QuestBase quest) |
List< ITrackableCampaignObject > | GetAllTrackedObjectsOfAQuest (QuestBase quest) |
IEnumerable< QuestBase > | GetQuestGiverQuests (Hero hero) |
virtual void | RemoveListeners (Object o) |
virtual void | OnCharacterCreationIsOver () |
virtual void | OnHeroLevelledUp (Hero hero, bool shouldNotify=true) |
virtual void | OnHeroGainedSkill (Hero hero, SkillObject skill, int change=1, bool shouldNotify=true) |
virtual void | OnHeroCreated (Hero hero, bool isBornNaturally=false) |
virtual void | OnHeroWounded (Hero woundedHero) |
virtual void | OnHeroRelationChanged (Hero effectiveHero, Hero effectiveHeroGainedRelationWith, int relationChange, bool showNotification, ChangeRelationAction.ChangeRelationDetail detail, Hero originalHero, Hero originalGainedRelationWith) |
virtual void | OnQuestLogAdded (QuestBase quest, bool hideInformation) |
virtual void | OnIssueLogAdded (IssueBase issue, bool hideInformation) |
virtual void | OnClanTierChanged (Clan clan, bool shouldNotify=true) |
virtual void | OnClanChangedKingdom (Clan clan, Kingdom oldKingdom, Kingdom newKingdom, ChangeKingdomAction.ChangeKingdomActionDetail actionDetail, bool showNotification=true) |
virtual void | OnCompanionClanCreated (Clan clan) |
virtual void | OnHeroJoinedParty (Hero hero, MobileParty mobileParty) |
virtual void | OnKingdomDecisionAdded (KingdomDecision decision, bool isPlayerInvolved) |
virtual void | OnKingdomDecisionCancelled (KingdomDecision decision, bool isPlayerInvolved) |
virtual void | OnKingdomDecisionConcluded (KingdomDecision decision, DecisionOutcome chosenOutcome, bool isPlayerInvolved) |
virtual void | OnHeroOrPartyTradedGold (ValueTuple< Hero, PartyBase > giver, ValueTuple< Hero, PartyBase > recipient, ValueTuple< int, string > goldAmount, bool showNotification) |
virtual void | OnHeroOrPartyGaveItem (ValueTuple< Hero, PartyBase > giver, ValueTuple< Hero, PartyBase > receiver, ItemRosterElement itemRosterElement, bool showNotification) |
virtual void | OnBanditPartyRecruited (MobileParty banditParty) |
virtual void | OnArmyCreated (Army army) |
virtual void | OnPartyAttachedAnotherParty (MobileParty mobileParty) |
virtual void | OnNearbyPartyAddedToPlayerMapEvent (MobileParty mobileParty) |
virtual void | OnArmyDispersed (Army army, Army.ArmyDispersionReason reason, bool isPlayersArmy) |
virtual void | OnArmyGathered (Army army, Settlement gatheringSettlement) |
virtual void | OnPerkOpened (Hero hero, PerkObject perk) |
virtual void | OnPlayerTraitChanged (TraitObject trait, int previousLevel) |
virtual void | OnVillageStateChanged (Village village, Village.VillageStates oldState, Village.VillageStates newState, MobileParty raiderParty) |
virtual void | OnSettlementEntered (MobileParty party, Settlement settlement, Hero hero) |
virtual void | OnAfterSettlementEntered (MobileParty party, Settlement settlement, Hero hero) |
virtual void | OnMercenaryTroopChangedInTown (Town town, CharacterObject oldTroopType, CharacterObject newTroopType) |
virtual void | OnMercenaryNumberChangedInTown (Town town, int oldNumber, int newNumber) |
virtual void | OnAlleyOwnerChanged (Alley alley, Hero newOwner, Hero oldOwner) |
virtual void | OnAlleyClearedByPlayer (Alley alley) |
virtual void | OnAlleyOccupiedByPlayer (Alley alley, TroopRoster troops) |
virtual void | OnRomanticStateChanged (Hero hero1, Hero hero2, Romance.RomanceLevelEnum romanceLevel) |
virtual void | OnHeroesMarried (Hero hero1, Hero hero2, bool showNotification=true) |
virtual void | OnPlayerEliminatedFromTournament (int round, Town town) |
virtual void | OnPlayerStartedTournamentMatch (Town town) |
virtual void | OnTournamentStarted (Town town) |
virtual void | OnTournamentFinished (CharacterObject winner, MBReadOnlyList< CharacterObject > participants, Town town, ItemObject prize) |
virtual void | OnTournamentCancelled (Town town) |
virtual void | OnWarDeclared (IFaction faction1, IFaction faction2, DeclareWarAction.DeclareWarDetail declareWarDetail) |
virtual void | OnMakePeace (IFaction side1Faction, IFaction side2Faction, MakePeaceAction.MakePeaceDetail detail) |
virtual void | OnKingdomCreated (Kingdom createdKingdom) |
virtual void | OnHeroOccupationChanged (Hero hero, Occupation oldOccupation) |
virtual void | OnKingdomDestroyed (Kingdom kingdom) |
virtual void | CanKingdomBeDiscontinued (Kingdom kingdom, ref bool result) |
virtual void | OnBarterAccepted (Hero offererHero, Hero otherHero, List< BarterSystem.Barterables.Barterable > barters) |
virtual void | OnBarterCanceled (Hero offererHero, Hero otherHero, List< BarterSystem.Barterables.Barterable > barters) |
virtual void | OnStartBattle (PartyBase attackerParty, PartyBase defenderParty, object subject, bool showNotification) |
virtual void | OnRebellionFinished (Settlement settlement, Clan oldOwnerClan) |
virtual void | TownRebelliousStateChanged (Town town, bool rebelliousState) |
virtual void | OnRebelliousClanDisbandedAtSettlement (Settlement settlement, Clan clan) |
virtual void | OnItemsLooted (MobileParty mobileParty, ItemRoster items) |
virtual void | OnMobilePartyDestroyed (MobileParty mobileParty, PartyBase destroyerParty) |
virtual void | OnMobilePartyCreated (MobileParty party) |
virtual void | OnMobilePartyQuestStatusChanged (MobileParty party, bool isUsedByQuest) |
virtual void | OnHeroKilled (Hero victim, Hero killer, KillCharacterAction.KillCharacterActionDetail detail, bool showNotification=true) |
virtual void | OnBeforeHeroKilled (Hero victim, Hero killer, KillCharacterAction.KillCharacterActionDetail detail, bool showNotification=true) |
virtual void | OnChildEducationCompleted (Hero hero, int age) |
virtual void | OnHeroComesOfAge (Hero hero) |
virtual void | OnHeroReachesTeenAge (Hero hero) |
virtual void | OnHeroGrowsOutOfInfancy (Hero hero) |
virtual void | OnCharacterDefeated (Hero winner, Hero loser) |
virtual void | OnHeroPrisonerTaken (PartyBase capturer, Hero prisoner) |
virtual void | OnHeroPrisonerReleased (Hero prisoner, PartyBase party, IFaction capturerFaction, EndCaptivityDetail detail) |
virtual void | OnCharacterBecameFugitive (Hero hero) |
virtual void | OnPlayerMetHero (Hero hero) |
virtual void | OnPlayerLearnsAboutHero (Hero hero) |
virtual void | OnRenownGained (Hero hero, int gainedRenown, bool doNotNotify) |
virtual void | OnCrimeRatingChanged (IFaction kingdom, float deltaCrimeAmount) |
virtual void | OnNewCompanionAdded (Hero newCompanion) |
virtual void | OnAfterMissionStarted (IMission iMission) |
virtual void | OnGameMenuOpened (MenuCallbackArgs args) |
virtual void | OnVillageBecomeNormal (Village village) |
virtual void | OnVillageBeingRaided (Village village) |
virtual void | OnVillageLooted (Village village) |
virtual void | OnAgentJoinedConversation (IAgent agent) |
virtual void | OnConversationEnded (IEnumerable< CharacterObject > characters) |
virtual void | OnMapEventEnded (MapEvent mapEvent) |
virtual void | OnMapEventStarted (MapEvent mapEvent, PartyBase attackerParty, PartyBase defenderParty) |
virtual void | OnRansomOfferedToPlayer (Hero captiveHero) |
virtual void | OnPrisonersChangeInSettlement (Settlement settlement, FlattenedTroopRoster prisonerRoster, Hero prisonerHero, bool takenFromDungeon) |
virtual void | OnMissionStarted (IMission mission) |
virtual void | OnRansomOfferCancelled (Hero captiveHero) |
virtual void | OnPeaceOfferedToPlayer (IFaction opponentFaction, int tributeAmount) |
virtual void | OnPeaceOfferCancelled (IFaction opponentFaction) |
virtual void | OnMarriageOfferedToPlayer (Hero suitor, Hero maiden) |
virtual void | OnMarriageOfferCanceled (Hero suitor, Hero maiden) |
virtual void | OnVassalOrMercenaryServiceOfferedToPlayer (Kingdom offeredKingdom) |
virtual void | OnVassalOrMercenaryServiceOfferCanceled (Kingdom offeredKingdom) |
virtual void | OnPlayerBoardGameOver (Hero opposingHero, BoardGameHelper.BoardGameState state) |
virtual void | OnCommonAreaStateChanged (Alley alley, Alley.AreaState oldState, Alley.AreaState newState) |
virtual void | BeforeMissionOpened () |
virtual void | OnPartyRemoved (PartyBase party) |
virtual void | OnPartySizeChanged (PartyBase party) |
virtual void | OnSettlementOwnerChanged (Settlement settlement, bool openToClaim, Hero newOwner, Hero oldOwner, Hero capturerHero, ChangeOwnerOfSettlementAction.ChangeOwnerOfSettlementDetail detail) |
virtual void | OnGovernorChanged (Town fortification, Hero oldGovernor, Hero newGovernor) |
virtual void | OnSettlementLeft (MobileParty party, Settlement settlement) |
virtual void | Tick (float dt) |
virtual void | OnAfterSessionStart (CampaignGameStarter campaignGameStarter) |
virtual void | OnNewGameCreated (CampaignGameStarter campaignGameStarter) |
virtual void | OnGameEarlyLoaded (CampaignGameStarter campaignGameStarter) |
virtual void | OnPlayerTradeProfit (int profit) |
virtual void | OnRulingClanChanged (Kingdom kingdom, Clan newRulingClan) |
virtual void | OnPrisonerReleased (FlattenedTroopRoster roster) |
virtual void | OnGameLoadFinished () |
virtual void | OnPartyJoinedArmy (MobileParty mobileParty) |
virtual void | OnPartyRemovedFromArmy (MobileParty mobileParty) |
virtual void | OnArmyLeaderThink (Hero hero, Army.ArmyLeaderThinkReason reason) |
virtual void | OnArmyOverlaySetDirty () |
virtual void | OnPlayerDesertedBattle (int sacrificedMenCount) |
virtual void | MissionTick (float dt) |
virtual void | OnChildConceived (Hero mother) |
virtual void | OnGivenBirth (Hero mother, List< Hero > aliveChildren, int stillbornCount) |
virtual void | OnUnitRecruited (CharacterObject character, int amount) |
virtual void | OnPlayerBattleEnd (MapEvent mapEvent) |
virtual void | OnMissionEnded (IMission mission) |
virtual void | TickPartialHourlyAi (MobileParty party) |
virtual void | QuarterDailyPartyTick (MobileParty party) |
virtual void | AiHourlyTick (MobileParty party, PartyThinkParams partyThinkParams) |
virtual void | HourlyTickParty (MobileParty mobileParty) |
virtual void | HourlyTickSettlement (Settlement settlement) |
virtual void | HourlyTickClan (Clan clan) |
virtual void | DailyTickParty (MobileParty mobileParty) |
virtual void | DailyTickTown (Town town) |
virtual void | DailyTickSettlement (Settlement settlement) |
virtual void | DailyTickClan (Clan clan) |
virtual void | OnPlayerBodyPropertiesChanged () |
virtual void | WeeklyTick () |
virtual void | CollectAvailableTutorials (ref List< CampaignTutorial > tutorials) |
virtual void | DailyTickHero (Hero hero) |
virtual void | OnTutorialCompleted (string tutorial) |
virtual void | OnBuildingLevelChanged (Town town, Building building, int levelChange) |
virtual void | BeforeGameMenuOpened (MenuCallbackArgs args) |
virtual void | AfterGameMenuOpened (MenuCallbackArgs args) |
virtual void | OnBarterablesRequested (BarterData args) |
virtual void | OnPartyVisibilityChanged (PartyBase party) |
virtual void | OnCompanionRemoved (Hero companion, RemoveCompanionAction.RemoveCompanionDetail detail) |
virtual void | TrackDetected (Track track) |
virtual void | TrackLost (Track track) |
virtual void | LocationCharactersAreReadyToSpawn (Dictionary< string, int > unusedUsablePointCount) |
virtual void | LocationCharactersSimulated () |
virtual void | OnPlayerUpgradedTroops (CharacterObject upgradeFromTroop, CharacterObject upgradeToTroop, int number) |
virtual void | OnHeroCombatHit (CharacterObject attackerTroop, CharacterObject attackedTroop, PartyBase party, WeaponComponentData usedWeapon, bool isFatal, int xp) |
virtual void | OnCharacterPortraitPopUpOpened (CharacterObject character) |
virtual void | OnCharacterPortraitPopUpClosed () |
virtual void | OnPlayerStartTalkFromMenu (Hero hero) |
virtual void | OnGameMenuOptionSelected (GameMenuOption gameMenuOption) |
virtual void | OnPlayerStartRecruitment (CharacterObject recruitTroopCharacter) |
virtual void | OnBeforePlayerCharacterChanged (Hero oldPlayer, Hero newPlayer) |
virtual void | OnClanLeaderChanged (Hero oldLeader, Hero newLeader) |
virtual void | OnSiegeEventStarted (SiegeEvent siegeEvent) |
virtual void | OnPlayerSiegeStarted () |
virtual void | OnSiegeEventEnded (SiegeEvent siegeEvent) |
virtual void | OnSiegeAftermathApplied (MobileParty attackerParty, Settlement settlement, SiegeAftermathAction.SiegeAftermath aftermathType, Clan previousSettlementOwner, Dictionary< MobileParty, float > partyContributions) |
virtual void | OnSiegeBombardmentHit (MobileParty besiegerParty, Settlement besiegedSettlement, BattleSideEnum side, SiegeEngineType weapon, SiegeBombardTargets target) |
virtual void | OnSiegeBombardmentWallHit (MobileParty besiegerParty, Settlement besiegedSettlement, BattleSideEnum side, SiegeEngineType weapon, bool isWallCracked) |
virtual void | OnSiegeEngineDestroyed (MobileParty besiegerParty, Settlement besiegedSettlement, BattleSideEnum side, SiegeEngineType destroyedEngine) |
virtual void | OnTradeRumorIsTaken (List< TradeRumor > newRumors, Settlement sourceSettlement=null) |
virtual void | OnCheckForIssue (Hero hero) |
virtual void | OnIssueUpdated (IssueBase issue, IssueBase.IssueUpdateDetails details, Hero issueSolver) |
virtual void | OnTroopsDeserted (MobileParty mobileParty, TroopRoster desertedTroops) |
virtual void | OnTroopRecruited (Hero recruiterHero, Settlement recruitmentSettlement, Hero recruitmentSource, CharacterObject troop, int amount) |
virtual void | OnTroopGivenToSettlement (Hero giverHero, Settlement recipientSettlement, TroopRoster roster) |
virtual void | OnItemSold (PartyBase receiverParty, PartyBase payerParty, ItemRosterElement itemRosterElement, int number, Settlement currentSettlement) |
virtual void | OnCaravanTransactionCompleted (MobileParty caravanParty, Town town, List< ValueTuple< EquipmentElement, int > > itemRosterElements) |
virtual void | OnPrisonerSold (PartyBase sellerParty, PartyBase buyerParty, TroopRoster prisoners) |
virtual void | OnPartyDisbanded (MobileParty disbandParty, Settlement relatedSettlement) |
virtual void | OnPartyDisbandStarted (MobileParty disbandParty) |
virtual void | OnPartyDisbandCanceled (MobileParty disbandParty) |
virtual void | OnHideoutSpotted (PartyBase party, PartyBase hideoutParty) |
virtual void | OnHideoutDeactivated (Settlement hideout) |
virtual void | OnPlayerInventoryExchange (List< ValueTuple< ItemRosterElement, int > > purchasedItems, List< ValueTuple< ItemRosterElement, int > > soldItems, bool isTrading) |
virtual void | OnItemsDiscardedByPlayer (ItemRoster roster) |
virtual void | OnPersuasionProgressCommitted (Tuple< PersuasionOptionArgs, PersuasionOptionResult > progress) |
virtual void | OnHeroSharedFoodWithAnother (Hero supporterHero, Hero supportedHero, float influence) |
virtual void | OnQuestCompleted (QuestBase quest, QuestBase.QuestCompleteDetails detail) |
virtual void | OnItemProduced (ItemObject itemObject, Settlement settlement, int count) |
virtual void | OnItemConsumed (ItemObject itemObject, Settlement settlement, int count) |
virtual void | OnPartyConsumedFood (MobileParty party) |
virtual void | SiegeCompleted (Settlement siegeSettlement, MobileParty attackerParty, bool isWin, MapEvent.BattleTypes battleType) |
| SiegeCompleted event triggers when a siege ends with a normal outcome. If attackers are defeated "partially", it won't be fired, because the siege event doesn't actually end, and battle state is set to none.
virtual void | SiegeEngineBuilt (SiegeEvent siegeEvent, BattleSideEnum side, SiegeEngineType siegeEngine) |
virtual void | RaidCompleted (BattleSideEnum winnerSide, RaidEventComponent raidEvent) |
virtual void | ForceSuppliesCompleted (BattleSideEnum winnerSide, ForceSuppliesEventComponent forceSuppliesEvent) |
virtual void | ForceVolunteersCompleted (BattleSideEnum winnerSide, ForceVolunteersEventComponent forceVolunteersEvent) |
virtual void | OnBeforeMainCharacterDied (Hero victim, Hero killer, KillCharacterAction.KillCharacterActionDetail detail, bool showNotification=true) |
virtual void | OnGameOver () |
virtual void | OnClanDestroyed (Clan destroyedClan) |
virtual void | OnHideoutBattleCompleted (BattleSideEnum winnerSide, HideoutEventComponent hideoutEventComponent) |
virtual void | OnNewIssueCreated (IssueBase issue) |
virtual void | OnIssueOwnerChanged (IssueBase issue, Hero oldOwner) |
virtual void | OnNewItemCrafted (ItemObject itemObject) |
virtual void | OnWorkshopInitialized (Workshop workshop) |
virtual void | OnWorkshopOwnerChanged (Workshop workshop, Hero oldOwner) |
virtual void | OnWorkshopTypeChanged (Workshop workshop) |
virtual void | OnEquipmentSmeltedByHero (Hero hero, EquipmentElement equipmentElement) |
virtual void | CraftingPartUnlocked (CraftingPiece craftingPiece) |
virtual void | OnPrisonerTaken (FlattenedTroopRoster roster) |
virtual void | OnNewItemCrafted (ItemObject itemObject, ItemModifier overriddenItemModifier, bool isCraftingOrderItem) |
virtual void | OnBeforeSave () |
virtual void | OnMainPartyPrisonerRecruited (FlattenedTroopRoster roster) |
virtual void | OnPrisonerDonatedToSettlement (MobileParty donatingParty, FlattenedTroopRoster donatedPrisoners, Settlement donatedSettlement) |
virtual void | OnHeroChangedClan (Hero hero, Clan oldClan) |
virtual void | OnSaveOver (bool isSuccessful, string saveName) |
virtual void | OnSaveStarted () |
virtual void | OnHeroTeleportationRequested (Hero hero, Settlement targetSettlement, MobileParty targetParty, TeleportHeroAction.TeleportationDetail detail) |
virtual void | OnPartyLeaderChangeOfferCanceled (MobileParty party) |
virtual void | OnClanInfluenceChanged (Clan clan, float change) |
virtual void | OnPlayerPartyKnockedOrKilledTroop (CharacterObject strikedTroop) |
virtual void | OnPlayerEarnedGoldFromAsset (GameComponents.DefaultClanFinanceModel.AssetIncomeType incomeType, int incomeAmount) |
virtual void | CollectLoots (MapEvent mapEvent, PartyBase party, Dictionary< PartyBase, ItemRoster > loot, ItemRoster gainedLoot, MBList< TroopRosterElement > lootedCasualties, float lootAmount) |
virtual void | OnLootDistributedToParty (MapEvent mapEvent, PartyBase party, Dictionary< PartyBase, ItemRoster > loot) |
virtual void | OnPlayerJoinedTournament (Town town, bool isParticipant) |
virtual void | OnHeroUnregistered (Hero hero) |
virtual void | OnConfigChanged () |
virtual void | OnCraftingOrderCompleted (Town town, CraftingOrder craftingOrder, ItemObject craftedItem, Hero completerHero) |
virtual void | OnItemsRefined (Hero hero, Crafting.RefiningFormula refineFormula) |
virtual void | OnMapEventContinuityNeedsUpdate (IFaction faction) |
virtual void | OnMainPartyStarving () |
virtual void | OnHeroGetsBusy (Hero hero, HeroGetsBusyReasons heroGetsBusyReason) |